Best Strategy And Innovation Roadmapping Software & Tools

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(473 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Miro is a visual workspace platform for idea development and team collaboration. It offers an infinite canvas for workshops, product design, and brainstorming.


Charts and graphs

plus 95 more

(93 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
ClickUp offers project management with various data view options, automation, and time tracking. It also provides resource planning features and supports external app integrations.

Creation & assignment

Due dates

plus 13 more

(10 reviews)
Price: From 12.00 $
Favro is an agile project management tool offering planning boards, phase sheets, and roadmaps for collaborative work. Used by over 5000 companies, it has three pricing packages.

Creation & assignment

Due dates

plus 13 more

(5 reviews)
No price information
Productboard boosts team productivity with centralized customer feedback, effective product development, and AI-assisted decisions. Offers a free 15-day trial.
(48 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Airtable combines database power with familiar Excel features; ideal for organizing product, content or event plans.

Creation & assignment

Due dates

plus 16 more

(12 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
Collato is an AI-powered tool that offers efficient access to product knowledge, generates summaries and custom documents, saving employees' time. Free trial available.
(6 reviews)
Price: From 69.00 € / User/Monat
Airfocus is a modular product strategy platform enabling vision to delivery. Features lean roadmap creation, objective scoring models, and central feedback channels.

Customer ideation

Work capacity

plus 13 more

(3 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 $
Perdoo, a Berlin-based software, helps firms transform strategies into clear outcomes. It offers roadmap creation, goal setting, and role assigning. Ideal for all business sizes.

Strategy map

Vision statement

plus 13 more

(2 reviews)
Price: From 0.00 €
SeaTable is a flexible project management software enabling efficient team collaboration by organizing tasks and resources.
(1 reviews)
No price information
Aha! is a software platform enhancing product planning and development with roadmap creation, collaboration tools, workload optimization. Offers a free trial.
(1 reviews)
No price information
Apptio is a cloud-based IT financial platform for data-driven decisions, offering cost analysis, optimization, and agile enterprise planning features.
Ignition GTM
No price information
Roadmunk by Tempo
No price information
No price information
Dragonboat is a product portfolio management platform for strategizing, prioritizing, and enhancing investments. It integrates with Slack, Asana, and Jira.
No price information
SQAD offers tools for advertising research and planning, including MediaTools for advanced planning, MediaCosts for cost transparency, and MediaLogic for audience analysis.
Shorter Loop
No price information
Shorter Loop enhances product management with roadmap planning, discovery features, and analytics dashboard. Offers plans from $15 per user.
No price information
Portfoleon aids in Lean Portfolio Management and roadmapping with features like timelines, Kanban boards, and tracking tools. Enhances project visualization and progress tracking.
No price information
ProdPad facilitates product management with Lean Product Roadmaps, Idea Management and Workflow Integration features. Ideal for improving product strategies and habits.
Price: From 0.00 €
Canny, a customer feedback management software, aids in collecting, analyzing, organizing feedback. Integrates with Jira, ClickUp, Asana.
Growth Forge
No price information
Growth Forge is a cloud-based SaaS supporting innovation teams with strategic formulation and evaluation.

More about Best Strategy And Innovation Roadmapping Software & Tools

What is Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software?

Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software refers to specialized digital tools that support organizations, companies, and teams in planning, tracking, and realizing their long-term goals and innovation projects. These software solutions are designed to simplify the process of strategy development and implementation by providing a visual and interactive platform where ideas, initiatives, and milestones can be systematically organized and monitored.

The target audience for Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software is broad and includes executives, strategy and innovation managers, product developers, and project teams across various industries. Areas of application can be found in product development, technology management, corporate planning, and in the transformation of business models. Such software helps to create transparency about progress on strategic initiatives, promotes collaboration among different departments, and facilitates adaptation to changing market conditions or internal priorities.

Features of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software

Visual Roadmapping Tools

Visual roadmapping tools are at the heart of any Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. They enable users to create and manipulate complex strategic plans and innovation roadmaps on an intuitive and interactive interface. Drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy for users to position and adjust elements such as tasks, milestones or projects on their roadmap. These tools often also offer a wide variety of customization options, such as different colors, icons and labels, which make it possible to distinguish visually between priorities, responsibilities and progress status. Visualizing strategic planning makes it easier for all participants to understand the overall context, identify bottlenecks, and work effectively on strategy implementation.

Integration of Goals and KPIs

The ability to integrate goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is another essential feature of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. It allows companies to clearly define their strategic goals and translate them into measurable success criteria. By linking these goals and KPIs to specific projects or initiatives on the roadmap, users can monitor progress in real time. Not only does this help align the team with common goals, it also allows for agile adjustment of the strategy based on current performance data. The integration of goals and KPIs also promotes data-driven decision-making by highlighting key performance indicators and setting priorities.

Collaboration Features

Collaboration features are essential in the modern workplace and form a core component of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. These features support seamless collaboration among team members, regardless of their location. Users can leave real-time comments, share files, assign tasks and receive updates. Effective collaboration tools promote open communication and transparency within the team and across department boundaries. They reduce misunderstandings and duplication of work by ensuring that all participants have access to the latest information and can actively participate in the strategic planning process.

Adaptability and Scalability

Adaptability and scalability are critical for the longevity and effectiveness of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. Since every company has unique needs and challenges, the software must be flexible enough to accommodate different requirements. This includes the ability to personalize the software interface and functions, as well as to facilitate integration with other tools and systems. At the same time, the software needs to be able to grow with the company without losing performance or user-friendliness. Scalable solutions allow companies to expand their use of the software, whether by adding new users, projects, or by integrating additional features, without resulting in performance losses.

Data Integration and Analysis

The ability to integrate and analyze data is a critical function that Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software should provide. It allows users to gather and consolidate data from a variety of sources, such as CRM systems, financial software, and other project management tools. By bringing this data together on one platform, users can gain deeper insights into the performance of their projects and initiatives. Powerful analytics tools aid in identifying trends, analyzing success factors, and recognizing potential problem areas early on.

Who uses Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software


Executives use Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software to ensure a clear and coherent strategic direction for the company. In their daily work, the software serves as a central tool for planning and monitoring company goals, market expansion plans, and long-term innovation projects. It allows executives to visualize and coordinate the alignment of different departments and teams with the overarching company goals. The ability to share strategic plans and track progress in real time promotes transparent communication within the company. Thus executives can respond quickly to changes, allocate resources efficiently, and adjust the company strategy agilely.

Strategy and Innovation Managers

Strategy and innovation managers are another key target group for Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. They use the software daily to manage strategic initiatives and innovation projects from idea generation to market launch. The software helps them maintain a clear overview of project status, milestones, and upcoming tasks. By integrating goals and KPIs, they can measure the success of projects and align the strategic orientation with company goals. The software's collaboration features facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and information exchange, which are crucial for the implementation of innovation projects. Strategy and innovation managers use these tools to minimize risk, drive innovation, and ensure long-term competitiveness.

Product Developers

Product developers use Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software to plan, coordinate, and monitor product development processes. For them, the software is an essential tool to ensure that product development projects are in line with overarching business goals and market requirements. They can clearly define features, deadlines, and responsibilities and visually represent the development process. The ability to manage feedback loops and iterations within the software facilitates the agile development and adaptation of products. Additionally, data integration and analysis enable product developers to incorporate user feedback and market data into the development process, enhancing product quality and market relevance.

Project Teams

Project teams of all kinds and sizes use Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software to organize their work, set priorities, and track progress of their projects. The software serves as their platform for daily coordination, allowing them to assign tasks and monitor deadlines. The visual roadmapping tools let team members see the overall context of their work and understand how their tasks contribute to the company's strategic goals. The collaboration features promote effective communication and collaboration within the team and with stakeholders outside the team. For project teams, the software is an indispensable tool to respond agilely to changes, manage risks, and deliver projects successfully and on time.

Benefits of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software

Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software offers companies a variety of benefits that positively impact strategic planning, innovation capability, and overall business success. The following are the central benefits from a company perspective, detailed.

Improved Strategic Planning and Implementation

One of the main benefits of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software lies in improving strategic planning and execution. By visually depicting goals, projects, and schedules on a single platform, decision makers can design and communicate complex strategies clearly. Not only does this facilitate the identification of priorities and resource allocation, but it also promotes alignment of the entire company with common goals. The ability to dynamically adjust strategic plans allows companies to respond flexibly to market changes or internal challenges and efficiently pursue their strategic goals.

Promoting a Culture of Innovation

Implementing Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software can significantly help foster a culture of innovation within a company. By providing a structured framework for planning and tracking innovation projects, the software facilitates the development of new ideas and their implementation into marketable products or services. Teams can work together on a shared platform, exchange knowledge, and consistently provide feedback, which accelerates the innovation process and increases the odds of success for new initiatives.

Improved Decision-making through Data Integration

The ability to integrate and analyze data from different sources is another significant advantage of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. It enables companies to practice data-driven decision-making by monitoring performance indicators and market data in real time. Analyzing this data aids in identifying trends, assessing progress concerning strategic goals, and recognizing potential risks early. This allows executives to make informed decisions and continuously optimize the strategic direction of the company.

Increased Transparency and Collaboration

Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software significantly increases transparency within a company. With information on projects, goals, and progress available centrally, all employees can keep track of the strategic direction and the status of ongoing initiatives. Improved transparency not only promotes understanding and employee engagement but also collaboration between different teams and departments. This is particularly important in complex projects, where cross-departmental coordination and communication are key to success.

Scalability and Flexibility

Another benefit is the scalability and flexibility of Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software. Regardless of company size or industry, the software can be tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the company. It grows with the company and can be easily expanded to integrate additional users, projects, or data sources. This flexibility ensures that companies can use the software effectively over a longer period without being limited by technical restrictions.

Selection Process for Suitable Software

Selecting the right Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software for your business is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and evaluation. Here are the steps one typically goes through to find the ideal solution.

Creation of a Long List

At the beginning of the selection process, you create a long list of potential software solutions. Initially, you extensively research the market to get an overview of the available options. This includes going through industry publications, reading product reviews, and requesting recommendations from your network. The goal is to collect a wide range of solutions that could potentially meet your own requirements.

Defining Requirement Criteria

After creating a long list, the next step is to determine specific requirement criteria for the software. These criteria should be derived both from the strategic goals of the company and from the specific needs of the users. Important aspects can be functional scope, ease of use, adaptability, integration possibilities, and cost. These defined criteria serve as a guide for further evaluation and selection.

Creation of a Short List

Using the established criteria, you then evaluate each solution on the long list and create a short list of the most promising candidates. This step often involves more in-depth research on each software, including examining demo versions, customer reviews, and possibly talks with the providers. The short list should only contain those solutions that best match the defined requirements.

Conducting Product Demonstrations

The next step is to conduct product demonstrations or trial versions of the shortlisted software. These demos are crucial to gaining a deeper understanding of the functionality, usability, and performance of each solution. During this phase, it's essential that the main users of the software are actively involved to receive first-hand feedback and evaluate how well the software meets their specific needs.

Requesting Offers and Negotiating

Based on insights from the demos, you obtain offers from the remaining providers. This phase may also involve negotiations on prices, services, and contract terms. It's essential to consider all cost factors, including setup fees, subscription costs, and potential additional fees for support or extra features.

Checking References

Before making a final decision, it's advisable to obtain references from existing customers of the prospective solutions. This provides insights into the reliability, customer service, and long-term benefits of the software. References can provide valuable practical insights that go beyond technical specifications and product promises.

Final Decision

After completing all previous steps, you make the final decision based on a thorough evaluation of all collected information. This decision should not only be based on immediate needs but also consider the long-term vision and strategy of the company. The selected Strategy and Innovation Roadmapping Software should be a solution that not only meets current requirements but also has the potential to grow with the company and evolve.